About PCA » Mission and Core Beliefs

Mission and Core Beliefs



Mission Statement

The mission of Pataula Charter Academy is to prepare students for life-long success by partnering with families and communities to create a safe, nurturing learning environment that engages and challenges students, fosters creativity, and instills integrity and leadership skills that inspire students to reach their full potential.


Core Beliefs

Families and Community

  • Family Engagement is vital to the success of our students and our school and will be promoted through open and honest communication.
  • Families and the school must work together to cultivate a strong sense of responsibility to family and community.
  • Staff, students, and parents are FAMILY at PCA.


Safe and Nurturing/Integrity and Leadership

  • A child’s potential is more fully realized in a positive environment that fosters a sense of responsibility and self-worth and rewards successes.
  • Diversity is important and valued. 
  • The classroom should be a warm and nurturing environment where students are safe to question concepts and express opinions without fear of ridicule or repercussions.
  • Respect for fellow students and authority figures should be taught, expected and consistently enforced through integrity and social, academic and behavioral responsibility to create a safe and nurturing learning environment for all.
  • Leadership skills should be modeled and taught through a variety of methods, and students will be given ample opportunity to exhibit those skills.


Engaging and Challenging to Meet Full Potential/Creativity

  • Every child has the potential to learn. Our teachers will facilitate and promote growth in all learners to help them reach their full potential.
  • All students do not learn the same way, so instructional strategies should be varied to meet the specific learning styles of all students.
  • Effective classrooms engage students by offering meaningful, hands-on, cross-curricular learning opportunities that foster creativity, encourage critical thinking, and communicate relevance to the student.
  • Students learn best when they take ownership of their own learning.  Therefore, the teacher will act as facilitator while students interact with and guide one another through the learning process.


Life Long Success

  • Students will be taught a variety of life skills that will help them be productive citizens.
  • Students will be exposed to a variety of experiences that help them determine college and/or career goals.